
Several students from Cathedral Prep, led by Fr. Mike DeMartinis, recently traveled to India over Easter Break to participate in a mission of friendship. The students and adults worked alongside the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SSHJ) to serve hundreds of grade-school-aged children, including many of whom were orphaned. They also got the chance to work with many high school and college-aged young people sharing and learning about their cultural and educational experiences. During their time in India, the students led activities, songs, dances, games, and just enjoyed each other's company.  The students also helped take care of some orphaned infants and toddlers. Students had the opportunity to learn about the Indian culture and an area of the world that was totally new to them, bringing a whole new experience to their lives. They traveled all around the southern part of the country, from Chennai to the very southern tip of the country where the waters of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean all converge. Also, while at the southernmost point of India, they visited the Temple of Mahatma Ghandi. Other highlights included visits to the Golden Temple in Vellore, the tribal girls’ school atop a mountain in Athipet, one of the largest temples in the country in Madurai, a large nursing college in Dindigal that is run by the Sisters, and the brand new College of Arts and Sciences off the eastern coast near Sri Lanka. The students also visited the site where St. Thomas the Apostle was martyred in the first century, the Mound of St. Thomas, as well as The Basilica of St. Thomas, where they prayed in the tomb where the body of the apostle is laid to rest.  They experienced Indian culture, food, dancing, and music at various schools and orphanages all along the way.  In all, the students had nine full days on the subcontinent, and a great time was had by all!
